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Lungtenzampa or is it because we are Desuup? - Dorji Choden

 Lungtenzampa or is it because we are Desuup?

It has been several weeks that I completed my desuung training. I have never confined in any field but was waiting to join southern patrolling group. So I registered and was waiting for that release. They clearly announces like they want the youth between 21-25 and who is unemployed. One night I was scrolling over my wechat and suddenly came across some information in Desuung group that they need some volunteers for loading and unloading in FCB. I dont know what exactly made me to send my name and detail, may be the spirit of Desuup in me might have made to volunteer like that. Or maybe the location was made as Lungtenzampa and I have curious about that prophesied place where Phajo Drugom Zhipo and Khando Sonam Peday met. I often heard about their legendary story and from all the places in Thimphu, Lungtenzampa is one of the places I adored the most beside clock Tower. 

On 13thJune Saturday morning I woke up at 7;00am and done my morning prayers and washed up. I prepared my breakfast and get dress up myself. In Desuup attire, it brings pride and beautiful 

feeling inside me. I run hastily since it was already 8:40am by the time I came out from home and the reporting time was mentioned as at 9:00am sharp. I run with the stamina I have in me as a Desuup and I have full josh [military word refer to say have got stamina] to give my best in todays service as a volunteer. When I reach lungtenzampa I came across one male Desuup nyamro. Normally I do not talk first to the stranger but that time as I am Desuup I just used the spirit to talk with him. Are you also the one who volunteer for FCB?And he told like he is and we wait there to other Nyamros to come. After few minutes there was no sign of other and he dialed to one of his friend and found out that we need to gather at Lungtenzampa School. 

On the way I heard taxi drivers and other people commenting good thing about Desuup and I felt proud even more. Actually be it good or bad comment they are not doing it for Desuup but commenting to His Majestry because we are the product of His majestry's wise idea.

That male Nyamro and I reached at Lungtenzampa School and we just decent ourselves in our own world without not bothering to

know about each others name also. I met with one of the female Desuup and we become friend there because only few female Desuup has stood there as volunteer. We were asked to fall in by our Gojay and took attendance for new and old batch. We did attention and stand at ease (kajur demten) and receive some instruction for the day. For a while i was taken back to the time I have struggle in Tencholing ground under scorching sun sweating and nerve racking experiences. I came to my sense when Nyamros claped after instruction where clap was done in the way like what scouts do. In the instruction my friend told me that we will move towards Royal Thimphu College (RTC) and we will wait for few minutes to confirm. 

There my friend and i went to the corner and sit there talking about ourselves. There she told like she felt thirsty and we went around asking about water tape. We came across many and asked about tape but none of them were confident about where it is? We met three male Desuup and I asked about water tape to them and they said like they dont know but they gave their water instead. I dont remember their face but I remember that we got water from them. As of now I heard from him that one of the guy was him 

but I didnt notice him since I was only looking for water. I felt sorry for him today because I have not noticed about him in that moment. Another reason was I dont have interest in guys since I have bitter past with guys. Today I can say that he was in attempt with my every movement as per the information I got from him after we are in love today. But I have mere idea that my destined man was engaged in watching me his favorite movie. May be I was like beautiful heroine in his eye but sorry I am not to myself hehe…

We went to RTC in different personal car and those who dont have were pulled up by those who have. And I and my friend were in the group who dont have car and wondering about where we should go. I remember some guy calling out that we have seat for two ladies herebut I have not give heed to that call out also. Today I am sorry that, that guy was him as per I heard from him today. Likewise, he tried many times to mingle with me with my mere notice and I dont know how much he tried without my notice in that few hours. I am not picturing myself as only the lady on earth but everyone would agree the heart of mans first love. When people 

fall in love for the first time in his life, we know that heavenly imagination is possible. Agree with me guys? The person we love will be the most beautiful creature in the earth and we enjoy watching every movement of that person. Even the surrounding around you will fill with music and their smile will shine like a sunshine that made you to feel deeper into them. My god! I am forgetting to continue our next incident by jotting more about love feelings. So here we went to RTC and load and we again move towards Zilukha School.

We reach at Zilukha School and group of us were sitting in the steps below the MP hall. We were talking with seniors about our training and there young group of male Desuup appeared. There a bright like tiny star among the guys walk towards us fixing his ocean like deep eye into me where I felt like I am already drowning in that little ocean. I dont know how I managed to speak to that guy but when I feel myself, I was already in my half line like….hey guy I feel like I saw you before….where did we met? Uhuh... Where did you study? Just to cope up my crazy pop out 

question. We ask about which school we study and that is sensible question in such moment. My god! That was so embarrassing…, how dare I ask such a line to him? Particularly to him when there is so many unknown around me...Only him…haha but luckily he gave me a quick response like that he studied at Takila…no! he havent studied at Takila as per I know him today and he might have felt nervous like me to answer like that. He studied at Lhuentse High school. And he told me that his inside answer was like "we met at Gasa'' but he conceived that answer imagining himself getting a nice slap…. Instead he told me, maybe you might have seen me in town because I am taxi fee collector. (Not even fee collector but that was safer and prompt answer, he told me today.) What a humorous answer! I thought and just went my silence with shy smile. We are called by our gojay and we went there to resume our work in unloading. 

We had our lunch there and again move towards RTC for unloading. There he starts his move towards me when we are carrying 25 kg of rice bag towards the truck. He was teasing me with many things that I dont remember today. In the middle we get rest. Inside RTC 

Mp hall, I went to the podium where the actress and her friend in Ata yongba film watch basketball match and finding the hero bullied by villain. I was alone sitting from the podium and watching the tired Desuup, some still in full josh playing, some laying on the stack rice bag, some walking here and there and my friend just below me in the step busy with her cell phone. 

There stood the guy I was talking about to you all. I came to know today, that his eyes was 99 on me when other one percent is used for serving the purpose of eye haha. I was listenning my favorite song which was sung by Sonam Wangdi and Kinley wangmo 'nga choelu ga sey lab me' from movie Babu Tashi and Dakar Lham. The work resume but it was to carry 50 kg rice bag. I know I dont have stamina to carry that kg but I dont have guts to stay back. So I went to resume. Seeing my strength, gojay just stop me from joining and ask to take rest. 

That was the best understanding about Desuup nyamro despite of the struggle we have to face. I went back to the same podium and was laying there with music on. He came to me and offered me Doma. Such a smart idea to approach me. I thank him and he was sitting beside me and starting with hooking conversation. 

What are you up to? Vedio calling with your husband? Where is he?  Uh! As per I know the reason he asked such question was just to know my relationship status but back then for me, I was little mad with this question. Like.... am I looking in the stage to have husband already? Do I look that old in his eye? All shit!! So I just answered him that my husband went to heaven. Oh really? Is he dead then? Was another irritating question. Seriously… this kiddo! I thought but as per him today he was excited to know that i belong to no one. whoever beholds the girl he is in love should die before his eye. 

It was the best thing he want that way where, I am only the lady of him. 'Only mine' he roared to me today. So he took my cell phone and add him in both wechat and face book. I noticed his excitement after that and leave me saying 'chat to me from today'. He leaves his cell phone to hold for him and went to work. I can see his excitement from the pace he take and carry the 50 kg bag of rice like he is holding me in the air. 

That was all for the day and so many beautiful things happened in one day, but let me not talk more since it is taking more time. It was in the night of same day we chatted. It took him almost half night to come to the point but he finally expressed his longing word that he loved me from the moment he came to see me in Lungten Zampa School (morning when i asked for water tape to three men) just near the prophesied place of phajo and khandu he said. It was normal thing to hear the word I love you from guys for me but that was the first time I felt the goose bump. 

I told him about what I feel and that made him little nervous to continue. Still then his feeling was at the peak where he is not defeat able by any words in the world. I understand from the line he expressed to me. For the first time I went wordless in my life. I am poor in verbal talk but when it comes to chat in words I have no record of defeating me easily. Everyone would give up on me but I was experiencing the first time defeat here. He was young but his words were beyond his age. His thinking was matured than his age and this was what my features that I like to have in the man whom i love as a girl but I dont know about other girl. 

Many guys claimed that girls only go after wealth but I am sorry that here is a girl who proof we are not always what you think. I only need time, love, care and feeling that we are truly loved by one with lapses in us. That was what he made me to feel. I felt the women who are lovable in what I am. Oh! Sorry guys I was again going with emotion inside me. Let me continue… we end our chat that I will think upon his proposal and gave him time to realize if his love for me is for real. We bid goodnight and again we met our second day of volunteering day at YDF Hall. Before that we did our fall in Changzamtog FCB. When we reach YDF he snap my photo and now his gallery is full of my photo and his chat is full of our conversation. 

He is photographer and I am writer. That makes perfect combination for us. We forgot our words to wait and observe what we really feel like, I have told you in the above in night chatting part to think. We were already together by second day itself, that was quick move right? But in reality this is the best medicine for person who falls in love. The quicker the time you agree to confess the feelings in you, it is less painful for the lover who holds for answer you wish for.

I dont want to share how he treats me and how happy I am to meet a guy like him because you all may feel unlucky that you all are not in my shoe today.... Ha-ha just kidding guys and you know that real love story has no ending…

Ps. only my point of view and he might have his point more than me. 

Thank you all for the time and do support me if you like to hear his point of story.  


Dorji Choden


མི་མངམ་གིས་ ལྷག་མི་རྩོམ།

སློབ་རིམ་བཅུ་པའི་ སྐད་ཡིག་དང་འབྲེལ་བའི་དྲི་ལན།




མདོ་རྒྱ་ཆེར་རོལ་པ་ལས། སྲིད་གསུམ་མི་རྟག་སྟོན་ཀའི་སྤྲིན་དང་འདྲ།། འགྲོ་བའི་སྐྱེ་འཆི་གར་ལ་བལྟ་དང་མཚུངས།། འགྲོ་བའི་ཚེ་འགྲོ་ནམ་མཁའི་གློག་འདྲ་སྟེ།། རི་གཟར་བབ་ཆུ་ལྟ་བུར་མྱུར་མགྱོགས་འགྲོ།