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རིམ་འགྲོ་མེད།  ( 𝙽𝚘 𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚜. . . . )


" It is your last period,  you all must take your usual day end bath, so all should undress in front of the school to take bath. Now move out" our class teacher miss Karma Zangmo instructed. I and my friend Tashi Lekjay we undressed together in front of the school and ran towards the multi headed water tap in my light blue half pant. 

We are asked to wash together irrespective of genders. Moreover, we were asked to rub each other's back to removed dirt from our skinny & chicken bodies. While washing I noticed I was the only one with a half pant, when all are in naked. So, I removed my half pant and kept on the well arranged stones and went back to take bath. 

Madam usually use to monitor us and make sure that all are washed properly. After a while final bell was rung and I saw our elders including cousin Karma Gyeltshen & Ngajay Norbu was coming out from their respective classes and moving towards the school prayer hall have evening prayer. After checking us thoroughly she sent us back to get dress. 

I ran to get myself dress up  but forgot to bring my half pant along with me. Then I ran back speedily through that winding footpath of high-long flower plants and suddenly I got sudden clashed with my friend Pema Gyeltshen. That was our misfortune & unseen accident. I found myself & my friend was lying on the ground with severe pain on my left eye's upper bone. I felt my left eye was dropping as if like I was about to dozed off & I placed my left hand over my left eye and saw it was bleeding heavily. 

I went directly towards to the water tap and tried to rinse off but it didn't stop. Blood started to oozing out heavily. " Yalama, ye sho na. Re ma fe" (Oh..... bleeding, don't water on it) I heard Denchen sir's madam saying with a pessimistic face. 

Within a few seconds Dechen sir appeared from nowhere and he held my body & put his Lagay (sleeve) over my bloody eye. Miss Karma dressed me up without my half pant. Anyhow, Dechen sir carried me on his back & two of us took to Gomdar BHU. 

In the operation room HA. Ramla sir & other health workers including veterinary compounder Chador sir told me to lie on the operation bed. They started to talk strangely in different dialects most probably in Nepali language. I heard some what like "Ball...." .  After a  fraction of minutes they injected over my left arm & I felt some cool sensation flowing over my whole body. 

After a while I noticed something was pulling several times over my injured eyelash & I heard they are constantly saying "Don't move & don't open your eyes". Finally, stitching was over and it was band aided with  a white cloth over my head. My teacher Dechen sir said that I got severe injured on my left eye's socket and I must not removed that bandaid. I felt half of my vision has been taken by that abominable  mishap. Moreover, I found my friend Pema Gyeltshen was also rounded his head with that of same band - aid. 

In our untimely accident both of us injured, but I was bit injured severely on my left eye & he got little cut over his left forehead beacuse he was bit shorter than me. We were given with medicines and told us to come for dressing every morning before class.

Headmaster Karna Chamling and other teachers told us not to go to home rather stay in hostel. They were worried that it may cause some heavy problems on the way back to my home that was about 3 hours walk. My cousin Karma Gyeltsen & my friend's cousin Ngajay came hurriedly from their evening prayer & I saw they were with a worrying face & even felt pity on them.  They let us to stay with brother Sonam at hostel & they went home to inform our unlucky collision to my mother and his relatives at Mokhoma & Gonong. 

I still remember that evening my role model Sangay Wangdi popularly known as Doten and his brother Tenzin cared us & let us to eat dinner with them but I couldn't ate much. I was brutally loosed all my afforts to stand & I dozed off. 

That time, it had been more than three months ago that my father went to Thimphu due to some casual work & he wasn't at home. My mother was at home with second brother Tshewang. My mother narrated how she felt that day when I had that star-crossed accident. 

She was at Rogshatshang weeding a field, and she told me that she felt dismayed from the middle of the day and waited for me to return home early in usual timing. It was such a gloomy weather & there were no sign of seeing us coming from Arong Bali (a place where one can see the movement of people vividly from Rogshatshang). After awhile she saw two figures coming from Arong Bali so, she waited there to go together.  

After half & hour she was so surprised to see that I was missing & it really broke her heart after hearing that I met sudden accident. She prepared immediately & came to see me at school with few neighbors including my paternal uncles Wangda, Wangchu Ata & Tenzin. That evening after dinner I didn't noticed what happened to me but in my deep sleep voice of my beloved mother woke up me from my wildest nightmare. It rained heavily.... I found she was crying before me & took me away from the hostel to rest peacefully at maternal relative Apchi Rinzin's house (School cook).

Next day, considering my severeness, I got a leave from school. After next day it went worse & I couldn't wakeup from my bed. It was such a painful sorrow to a 8 year old boy Tashi & his family. It was a season that every farmers should be very busy with their work in the field but because of my unseen smach she lived all the time with me in the house. In that mindfield environment I felt how strongly she wished her husband to be there handling his family. Nevertheless, she tried her best to not let her two children to go starvation.  

She use to wake me up time & again that she was worried about my long sleeps. " otha men zemo tay minang ga men gewa ofay la ko" (This small medicine could be a sleeping tablet) she told that & let me to paused from taking that small tablet, suspecting that it is a sleeping pill. Now I realised why she didn't want me to sleep for a long hours. She was worried that I may directly wipe off my weak soul while sleeping peacefully. 

One night she invited local layman Gomchen Naksong to perform evening ritual( Be nang phansa) and let him to read my horoscope (Kyetse) it was clearly mentioned (ཟླ་བའི་ཆགས་ནི་ལོ་༨་ལ་ཆགས་ཡོད། རིམ་གྲོ་མེད།)  There is Dawai Chag at the age of eight & has no means of any rites or rituals to avert its directions. It was exactly happened at the age of eight and I believe in any Buddhist espects. In next few lines it also mentioned that phase (རིམ་གྲོ་མེད། No rites or ritual for that.) at different ages. Alas! I accepted, all happeneds are made to be happened  they are all because of ones own  karmic actions & one should not invest full attachment over this materialist world of suffering. Moreover, I cannot hold myself from seeing others suffering due to my repeated untiming clashes in future. 

After a month of abhorrent pain with single eye  I was alright & grew up some tense that I may not catch the next grade. Fortunately, I managed to step on to next grade the next year and I wasn't bed ridden there after. 

Finally, albeit I  graduated and ascended further but that line of my horoscope didn't let me to stop myself from triggering time & again. I devotely bow myself before the feet of Mother God Tara for protecting me from unseen & untimely barriers and guarding this innocent being all the time.

Finally, after sixteen years I made that moment to play again in my heart of CD player. So,  I shall never forget my parent, teachers of Gomdar Pri. School, Health workers, relatives, friends and all who showered your concern upon me on that particular time. Moreover, I express my heartfelt gratitude to one who are still holding my hand in the slippery &  muddy path of ignorance.

Almighty of ten directions bless you all.

Thank You for having your time with my TRUE STORY that was happened at Gomdar Primary School 2003.  

********Thank You*****


མི་མངམ་གིས་ ལྷག་མི་རྩོམ།

སློབ་རིམ་བཅུ་པའི་ སྐད་ཡིག་དང་འབྲེལ་བའི་དྲི་ལན།

Lungtenzampa or is it because we are Desuup? - Dorji Choden




མདོ་རྒྱ་ཆེར་རོལ་པ་ལས། སྲིད་གསུམ་མི་རྟག་སྟོན་ཀའི་སྤྲིན་དང་འདྲ།། འགྲོ་བའི་སྐྱེ་འཆི་གར་ལ་བལྟ་དང་མཚུངས།། འགྲོ་བའི་ཚེ་འགྲོ་ནམ་མཁའི་གློག་འདྲ་སྟེ།། རི་གཟར་བབ་ཆུ་ལྟ་བུར་མྱུར་མགྱོགས་འགྲོ།